December 13, 2008

After 21 years....

Sincerely thanks to Raymond Chew (Left 1st guy~ 1st picture)who put in so much effort to find those old classmates after 21 years we left the school. With his enthusiasm and persistence, we finally had our first gathering on the 8th December 2008. Surprisingly, the one was unexpected turn up at our gathering.....

David Yee, (the tallest guy ~ 1st pictures)I still can recalled his characteristic while in class, he was so pleasant , soft spoken and personable , he didn't change even a bit but only he gets a bit fat nowsaday compared to the old age.

The big "joker" ~~ Charles Chan, (black T ~1st picture) is become bigger, as Kuan Yew asked " you big now, what have you eat ??" He is still the same, his oddly jokes are "breathtaking" , you can not pass your boring time without listening to his joke...I bet you.

I must give my respect to Joanne Yuan, (White T~ 1st picture) she was all the way drove from Butterworth to meet us at e-gate Old Town , Penang. Not to say that it was a long way, even our island people didn't turn up for this gathering and yet she was working on that day... It shown that she was concerned for this gathering with old friends. She is still "chatty" with the way she used to be. Anyway, I like this kind of people.

Our class "Red Person" (in Cantonese) ~~Sammi Chan, (Black T ~2nd picture)she used to be well spoken lady while in class , she carried herself very well and turn up, she is quite famous nowsaday in Penang as a DJ. She hosted many events and have her own company.

Our stunning girl in class... Vannessa Tan, (white shirt ~ 2nd picture)seems like never gets old... she still have the figure and the face looks exactly the same as old ages... Seems like we all aged without her...haha.....

Last but not least, Ngai Kuan Yew ,who currently lives in KL and Johnny Ooi Aik Hin , in Singapore.... which were not met but we chat most of the night on MSN...both of them are well...."behaved" with wife and kids around.

Those we haven't met but already managed to get in touch with Raymond are.......Au Yong Tip Yee, Anne Ng, Thean Hooi, Yau Mei Wei, Lim Seng Kok , Angie Ng, Phui Yee, Esther Teoh, Loh Hooi Pheng......

Hopefully will see them around at our next gathering, the more the merrier !!

November 11, 2008

专业上的高手。。。 生活上的低能儿。。。。

我最讨厌跟女人打交道。。。Opps。。。。我自己也是“女”的!! 对呀,可是我有的是男人的性格 , 哈哈!这是我与别人不同之处。。。。。。 嘿嘿!!

今天一大早就被“莫名奇妙“ 无名飞刀从后面狠狠地捅了一刀,简直是痛至心扉。狗(够)狠吧 !!

~~~ " BOSS " :
好的时候是 ~~~ 一个“门” , 一 个“品” 有品味嘛 !!
老人痴呆的时候是 ~~~ 一个“木”, 一个“反” 语无论次吧 !!

还没搞清楚之前不要乱骂人。 常常被那些“妖精“搞得团团转, 也不问个明白就开始 乱乱Shot 人 了。这几个 “妖精” 道行真的还够利害的叻 !! 。。。。。。
女人 <<好的时候是~~“女人”, 不好的时候是~~“累人”>>~~请用广东发音。  明明是自己的 mistake ,硬要把它塞在别人头上去。正是“三八”, 女人啊!!“心胸狭窄“ 这就是你的定义。。。。。这就是你的名字。。。。。男人看了一定“喝彩”!!
人家说现今的社会,没有“亲采” 这两个字,你把好自己的岗位,也有那些“自以为是” “常常把人家当垫执” 才能会有今天。。。 (这不是我说的,是自古以来就是这个样子的)也要狠狠地把你撞了一下。。捅你一刀。更可笑的是,又不是同一间公司上班。。又没有瓜葛。。说得不好听就是在“顶” “木”与“反” 的那个。。。 要知道嘛到年尾了 。。。明白吗。。。??? 哈哈哈!!! 

本人出来社会工作时,你还在吸着你老妈的“奶”呢!! 在我面前耍手段。。。。嘿嘿。。狗娘的“它”是大学生。。。难道“它”的能力不如我吗?? 所以说这些人啊。。。就是

专业上的~~~~高手 ; 生活上的~~~~低能儿”


It has been years since I left "Chung Ling (P) High School." I totally lost contact (I was too lazy to contact anyone, I should said) with all the ex-classmates except "Au Yong Tip Yee" , after Sixth Form, she further her studied in Taiwan National University..if not mistaken, and now she is a Tour Leader and station in Kuala Lumpur. Will meet up with her once in a while when she is back for visiting.
Last week... we found one of our ex-classmate who is working for Mbf Finance on friendster and I was trying to find him on Facebook... so lucky I have got what I wished..... he accepted me on FB. After several times chatting on msn , he was so keen in gather all the ex-classmates. I was really too lazy... really..really... The time I left everyday is not enough for me to take my rest, and sit down with the kids .... asking about their school... How can I squeeze out the time for gathering...
But since he was trying to approach me to help him up finding all the contacts... I didn't know that I am so "geng" managed to find at least 10 contacts only in 3 hours time... haha... This is real "ME", once I want the things to be done, it has to be done nicely, I will put in full force to do it.
Because of him (JK) I managed to get another ex classmate who have really lost for years. He (Ooi Aik Hin) was settled down in Singapore... and we do online chatting since then... So excited that after years we still can find each other... NOT BAD !!
I am looking forward to the gathering..... Yeah !!

November 10, 2008

Looking back....

Times flied... here comes to mid of November , what have I done when I looked back those days. It was a toughed year for me as I should said. Everything was gone wrong. What was happened ??!

Actually I don't like this kind of life every day "work, work, work" I EVEN HATE , damned it!!! , what can I do when came to this circumstances. I have to gone thru it no matter how or what, so to speak. And have to know how to measuring up myself and doing everything within my power to prove that I am still valuable, self worthy from now and then.

Luckily, ~Optimism~ this notion had been drummed into my subconscious when I was in direct selling. When comes to this circumtances, I have no choice but to lower my high-jump bar of life since then I won't feel any "pain" . I knew that every human being has areas of strength and areas of weaknesses. I am doing myself an injustice if I only concentrate on my own weakest areas and overlook my strengths. There are many lessons to be learned from my own failures beyond the obvious one of coming to understand what went wrong so that I can avoid doing the same thing next time. I have that power to figure out what went wrong and to correct it.

Like wise.. in a book I have read ~~ When your best isn't good enough~~ the author said on his book that " Whatever bad has happened to you in the past needs to stay there - in the past. It has no bearing on your life today and must make every effort not to let it hold you back." Yeah.. I like this phrase very much because it was 100% true.

Everyone falls , everyone fails, and there has never been a human being who has not been plagued with self doubt at on time to another but those who overcame were the ones who kept on reaching toward the future and who were willing to leave the pasts behind them.

May be it was true from a good friend adviced, he said whatever natural ability you have, it must be used, used and used some more for you to devolop it to the point where you are as good as you can be, but for me the reverse is true, too. If I don't have any gift or ability in a certain area, then don't waste my time struggling along, feeling worse and worse about it.

Now, part of working in the office and restaurant, I am trying to improve myself in every way I can, I don't know since when I like books so much. Haha... is a kind of joke ??! I was so poor in school... almost every year in the same class , as i should say When you hear the word "undistinguished" you might as well think of my high school career.. "Reading" was never, and ever mentioned in the column of hobbies...... And now, I have that kind of intention and patience, word by word look thru a dictionary. Urging to learn the new words......and the way of using it. A new "me" right ?? I supposed so. Realised many new things which I have never did.

Although 2008 was toughed for me, as a reserve, I have gained a lot but only lose one I might said. I make new friends, new knowledge..... and the most of all " New environment ".. I have been living 10 years without "punch card" life.

2009 will be a good year for me .... GOOD LUCK in ahead with the year to come.....' GAM BA TEH" !!


September 20, 2008



            没钱的时候在家吃菜, 有钱的时候在酒楼吃肉 ;

               没钱的时候想结婚, 有钱的时候想离婚;

            没钱的时候老婆兼秘书, 有钱的时候秘书兼老婆;

              没钱的时候假装有钱, 有钱的时候假装没钱;




                    说美女是祸水 ,都想要;

                    说高处不胜寒 ,都在爬;



            当今的社会 ~~~~~




           旧社会戏子卖艺不卖身, 新社会演员卖身不卖艺。


             在这可爱又变形的今天, 好好的保重自己吧!!

September 17, 2008



打从初二认识你自今已有二十几年了。。。。。。从我的记忆里,第一天认识你就“不太喜欢“你那种嘴尖尖。。“gomen-nasai"(SORRY!!) 也许你今天在知道。。。。

不过我相信你不会介意我道的是事实,不为别的,。。。。 只是人家讲一句, 你一定顶上两三句,赢了你就“ kam buan “ 。。。。你就是这样。。。。 也许是缘分吧!! 顶来,顶去。。。 才能成为“好朋友“ 后来我也一样。。。。。“嘴尖尖“。。。哈哈。。。嘿嘿!!



。。。。 跌跌。。。撞撞。。。又在爬起来。。。。。

在事业里得到了某种程度。。而又在那程度跌了下来。。。。那时的我顿时不知所措,人生开始失去 意义的时候。。。人生开始沮丧时。。。。。。

就只有你。。。。“老友“。。。 在我身边不停得给我鼓励。。。 支持。。。。。


。。。。。 当所有人都关心你飞得高不高时,



当我高兴时,我第一个想和你分享。。。当我不开心时。。。 你也是我第一个想到的人。


环境没有使我遗忘,时间没有令我淡忘, 真诚的友谊更使我难忘。 即使没有见面与联络,但在我心里,总会有个空间保留给你。。。 不变的情谊。。。 永远的朋友。


。。。。。。 感恩才会天长地久

September 16, 2008




。。。。。。。只为了我们这几个“小瓜“ (每个孩子都是父母心中的小孩)。

虽然,老爸,您。。。 自小(五岁)就去失父爱,您的饮居起食 ,由里到外,父爱,母爱......都聚集於祖母一身。 可是, 老爸从没有给我们 缺少过什么。。。。 年青时只是努力的工做, 怕的是我们饿着了... 怕我们无法得到 别 的小孩 所 得到的东西。 就连我们几岁您也不知道。。。。心里只知道“赚钱“
老妈, 你更惨... 虽然您家里还过的去, 可是您有"十六"位兄弟姐妹, 命会好到那里呢?我不得而知。




所以我觉得的 Richard L Evans 说的话是


。。。。。“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them. ”。。。。

因为您的坚持、您的毅力, 造就了我们。
今天,我们都已成人,出人头地。。。各有各的工作, 而您倆都一年华老去, 身体也一 天不如一天....

不过, 庆幸的是我们都能即时的孝顺您倆老, 不会等到" 树欲静而风不息, 子欲养而亲不在“。

您们是我心目中的偶像, 我常常告诉朋友说:我家已有两尊“活”佛像。。。这两尊佛像不能顾好的话又何必到外面的佛堂去呢?您们是我心中的







